Tenant-Landlord Disputes
- Payment of rent
- Property damage
- Noise
- Evictions
- etc.
No matter whether you are a landlord or a tenant, the best way to ensure that all parties can have their needs met in a rental situation is to get the terms in writing. Our mediators at the Elna B. Spaulding Conflict Resolution Center can help you come to an agreement that establishes expectations concerning payment of rent, noise levels, property damage and other matters that may arise between landlords and their tenants. Our approach involves respecting each party for what they bring to the table and when it comes to housing, everyone’s perspective is valuable.
Homeowners Association (HOA) in NC
- HOA Dues
- Irregular enforcement by HOA
- Home renovations/additions that violate HOA.
Durham County is continuously growing and the surrounding Triangle area is constantly seeing new developments with homeowners needing proper guidance in navigating their homeowner associations. At the Elna B. Spaulding Conflict Resolution Center, our goal is to provide a resolution framework for HOA or condo disputes between owners and their associations to deliver an efficient, economic and fair proceeding for the parties. Contact us to learn more about our processes with North Carolina Homeowner Associations.
Roommate Dispute
- Communication
- Guests
- Noise
- Use of space
- etc.
Living with others comes with its share of difficulties. Don’t let communication be one of the problems when living with others. At the Elna B. Spaulding Conflict Resolution Center, we assist roommates in developing agreements to navigate the typical living arrangements between roommates, such as use of space, rules about guests, noise levels and other matters regarding living arrangements. Let us help you and your roommates get in the best space as possible using effective communication.
Neighboor Disagreements
- Boundary lines
- Trespassing
- Loud noise complaints
- Excessive barking from pets
- Children’s behavior
- etc.
We’ve seen it time and time again with neighbors, where a matter concerning a fence, an animal or a sound created a situation like the Hatfields and the McCoys. Thankfully, the mediators at the Elna B. Conflict Resolution Center keeps neighbors from going to war over issues such as trespassing, boundary lines, noise complaints, pets and other behaviors that could lead to conflict. We sit down with each party to get various perspectives and work out a plan that will allow the neighbors to be heard and hear each other.
Merchant-Customer Disputes
- Goods
- Services
- Debt
- etc.
Going into business for yourself can be a risk just as much as it is a risk to do business with new merchants. Nevertheless, the flow of currency must continue to have an effective economy. At the Elna B. Spaulding Conflict Resolution Center, we are available to help merchants and customers navigate the path of exchanging goods and services along with addressing matters of payment and debt. Merchants and customers have a vital relationship that, with support of mediation, can result in healthy enterprise.
Business Disputes Facilitation
- Money
- Debt
- Joint Business
- etc.
Looking to start a business? Are you and your partners having difficulties with coming up with a business plan? If you’re a seasoned business owner, are you looking to grow and expand? Let our facilitators at the Elna B. Spaulding Conflict Resolution Center assist you and your partners with discussions concerning joint business ventures, financial trajectory and development. Our job is to get everyone to the table so that the opportunity for solutions are front and center.
Church Disputes Facilitation
- Interpersonal conflict within a church or religious organization.
Ideologies can spark conversations that give light to the differences of thoughts and opinions within members of a church or a religious organization. The facilitators at the Elna B. Spaulding Conflict Resolution Center can assist members with communication that keep the body together and functioning as one unit. Contact us to set up a facilitated meeting with other members of your church or organization to begin the conversation.