Elna B. Spaulding Founder’s Award.

In 1991, WoMen in Action established an award for the Prevention of Violence and named it after Mrs. Elna B. Spaulding to recognize her ardent work in the community, her compassion for people in need, and her desire for all people to be able to develop to their full potential.

From 1991 to 1998, WoMen in Action hosted this award ceremony. In 2015 the Elna B. Spaulding Conflict Resolution Center reestablished the award at the annual Partners for Peace Celebration event – our annual fundraising and award ceremony event.

The award recognizes and honors individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the City of Durham. Recipients of this award are honored for their advocacy on behalf of others, for their efforts that have brought significant change or have produced models for change in their communities, for their assistance in alleviating the conditions of the less fortunate, and for their activities resulting in improved human relations.

Past Honorees

1991   Reverend Haywood D. Holderness, Jr.

1992   Josephine Dobbs Clement

1993   William V. Bells

1994   Margaret Q. Keller

1995   Russell E. Blunt

1996   Rabbi John S. Friedman

1997   Judge Carolyn D. Johnson

1998   Unknown


2015   Judge Marcia H. Morey

2016   Professor Irving L. Joyner

2017   Robert A. Beason

2018   Scott Holmes

2019   Reverend Mel Williams

2020   Gilda P. Womble

2022   Justice Anita S. Earls

Social Worker’s Recognition

In 2020, CRC incorporated a second recognition, the Social Worker’s Recognition. It was created in appreciation of the support and dedication provided from school social workers to our truancy intervention program former Truancy Court Program now called Truancy Mediation Program.

Past Honorees

2020   Amy L’Esperance

2022   Angelia Barnes

Event Suspended

The Partners for Peace Celebration event has been suspended until further notice.